Convocazione ordinaria dei soci ara 2013

Si invita la S.V. all’Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci che si terrà in prima convocazione il giorno 29/10/2013 alle ore 23.55 presso l'ufficio di Manlio Ercolino in via Carlo Emanuele I n°12a e, qualora mancasse il numero legale, in seconda convocazione il giorno 30/10/2013 alle ore 18.00 presso lo stesso luogo per discutere e deliberare sul seguente


  1. Approvazione dell’OdG
  2. Relazione del Presidente
  3. Approvazione Bilancio Consuntivo gestione 2012/2013
  4. Approvazione Bilancio Preventivo gestione 2013/2014
  5. Relazione Consiglieri
  6. Dibattito Soci
  7. Varie ed…

Life after eruption - III. Orbital periods of the old novae V365 Car, AR Cir, V972 Oph, HS Pup, V909 Sgr, V373 Sct and CN Vel

We present time-series photometric and spectroscopic data for seven old
novae. They are used to derive the orbital period for the systems: V365
Car (5.35 h), AR Cir (5.14 h), V972 Oph (6.75 h), HS Pup (6.41 h), V373
Sct (3.69 h), V909 Sgr (3.43 h) and CN Vel (5.29 h). Their addition
increases the number of orbital periods for novae by ˜10 per cent.
The eclipsing nature of V909 Sgr is confirmed, and in three other cases
(V365 Car, Ar Cir and V373 Sct) we detect significant photometric
orbital variability with amplitudes ≥0.2 mag in R. The resulting
period distribution is briefly discussed….


Multi-wavelength landscape of the young galaxy cluster RX J1257.2+4738 at z = 0.866. I. The infrared view

Context. Many studies have shown how galaxy properties (e.g. colours,
morphology, star-forming (SF) activity, active galactic nuclei
population) change not only with redshift, but also with local galaxy
density, revealing the important effect of the stellar/halo mass and the
environment in the evolution of galaxies. A detailed analysis of the
star formation activity in a representative sample of clusters will help
us to understand the physical processes that cause the observed changes.
<BR /> Aims: We performed a thorough analysis of the star formation
activity in the young massive…


An overview of FTU results

Since the 2010 IAEA-FEC Conference, FTU has exploited improvements in
cleaning procedures and in the density control system to complete a
systematic exploration of access to high-density conditions in a wide
range of plasma currents and magnetic fields. The line-averaged
densities at the disruptive limit increased more than linearly with the
toroidal field, while no dependence on plasma current was found; in
fact, the maximum density of 4.3 × 10<SUP>20</SUP>
m<SUP>-3</SUP> was reached at B = 8 T even at the minimum current
of 0.5 MA, corresponding to twice the…
