
Sono presenti le pubblicazioni avvenute grazie al lavoro professionale o amatoriale dei soci ARA.

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2004 AF

Available from the Minor Planet Center.
Available from the Minor Planet Center.

The GTC/OSIRIS Data Reduction System

We present the online and the offline data reduction system for OSIRIS,
the optical multi-mode instrument for GranTeCan. The software is written
in Python and invokes PyRAF tasks which have been optimized for the
instrument. We review the characteristics of the instrument and of the
software. We will also present the improvements which are foreseen for
both the instrument and the software. The flexibility of the software
makes it easy to be adapted to other telescopes/instruments.

2003 XE

Available from the Minor Planet Center.
Available from the Minor Planet Center.

Early-type galaxies in the EGS (Fernandez Lorenzo+, 2011)

Physical parameters for 135 early-type galaxies in the Extended Groth
Strip (EGS). For each galaxy equatorial coordinates, total magnitudes in
B and g-bands, redshift, velocity dispersion, effective radius, surface
brightness, stellar mass, Sersic index, type (elliptical or lenticular)
and signal-to-noise of the spectrum are given.

(1 data file).