Goals and strategies in the global control design of the OAJ Robotic Observatory

The Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), is a new
astronomical facility located in the Sierra de Javalambre
(Teruel,Spain). The observatory will host two telescopes, an 83cm
telescope with one 9.2k x 9.2k CCD and a 2.55 telescope with 14 CCDs
10.5K x 10.5K The OAJ control system has been designed from a global
point of view including astronomical subsystems as well as
infrastructures and other facilities. We strongly believe that the best
approach for a success design of a new observatory is to consider it as
whole and to focus on overall efficiency basically integrated by several
systems. The relationship between systems has to be optimized in order
to facilitate coordination and best performance of observatory
functionality as a whole.