Optical and near infrared multi-site follow up of the recurrent nova T Pyx

We report on the spectroscopic observations of the 2011 outburst of the
Recurrent Nova T Pyx. The observations were obtained over the first two
months of the outburst and they were made using two different high
resolution echelle spectrographs: VLT-XSHOOTER and TNG-SARG. The first
observation was obtained one day after the discovery of the outburst, so
that we were able to follow the evolution of the nova from the very
early emission before the maximum luminosity of the nova. Such early
observation allowed us to detect the transition of the nova spectral
emission from a He-N to a Fe II spectrum. The multiple absorptions
observed in the P-Cyg profiles suggest the presence of a clumpy wind
surrounding the white dwarf. The ejecta velocities are of the order of
˜ 1600-1800 km/s, similar to the velocities reported in the
previous outburst in 1966. Further observations are planned in order to
follow the late behavior of this peculiar recurrent nova.