RRPictoris: an old nova showing superhumps and QPOs
We present time-resolved V photometry of the old nova RRPictoris
(RRPic). Apart from the hump-like variability, the light curves show the
strong flickering and random variation typical for RRPic. We do not find
any convincing evidence for the previously reported eclipse. The
extrapolated eclipse phase coincides with a broad minimum, but comparing
the overall shape of the light curve suggests that the eclipse should
actually be located around phase 0.2. The orbital period which we derive
from these data agrees well with the old one, any uncertainty is too
small to account for the possible phase shift. Apart from the 3.48h
period, which is usually interpreted as the orbital one, we find an
additional period at P = 3.78h, which we interpret as the superhump
period of the system; the corresponding precession period at 1.79d is
also present in the data. We also find indications for the presence of a
13min quasi-periodic oscillation.