Observations and Orbits of Comets
Available from the Minor Planet Center.
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Available from the Minor Planet Center.
There are many ways to solve the challenging problem of making a high
performance robotic observatory from scratch. The Observatorio
Astrof\'isico de Javalambre (OAJ) is a new astronomical facility located
at the Sierra de Javalambre (Teruel, Spain) whose primary role will be
to conduct all-sky astronomical surveys. The OAJ control system has been
designed under a global point of view including not only astronomical
subsystems but also infrastructure and other facilities. Three main
factors have been considered in the design of a global control system
for the robotic OAJ: quality,…
We study a hundred of galaxies from the spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky
Survey (SDSS) with individual detections in the far-infrared Herschel
Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer bands (100 or 160 μm) and
in the GALEX far-ultraviolet band up to z ˜ 0.4 in the COSMOS and
Lockman Hole fields. The galaxies are divided into four spectral and
four morphological types. For the star-forming and unclassifiable
galaxies, we calculate dust extinctions from the ultraviolet (UV) slope,
the Hα/Hβ ratio and the L<SUB>IR</SUB>/L<SUB>UV</SUB> ratio.
There is a tight…
High Z materials, as possible plasma facing components for a fusion
reactor, are being re-evaluated due to their advantages connected to the
low sputtering yield and small erosion. A data base of experimental
results related to their use on present Tokamak is missing. FTU has
carried out a series of experiments with different medium and high Z
limiter materials, Ni, Mo, and W, to improve the knowledge of the plasma
behavior in these conditions. The results on plasma operation, core
parameters, impurity content, and corresponding radiation losses are
presented, and compared with those…
The Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey
(J-PAS) is a new astronomical facility dedicated to mapping the
observable Universe in 59 colors, and will produce high-quality images
and an unique spectral resolution over the 8000 deg^2. It will consist
of two telescopes. One of 2.5-m (J-PAS) and another of 0.8-m (J-PLUS,
mainly for calibrations). The former will have a dedicated 1.2-G pixel
survey camera (containing an array of 14 CCDs) with a FoV of 5 deg^2. It
is planned to take 4–5 years and is expected to map the above area
to a 5σ magnitude depth for point…